webform test

Monday, November 29, 2010

Web 2.0 - Advergaming

Web 2.0 as we become for comfortable with the internet we are discovering more ways to use it in innovative ways. One of the ways that I found interesting is Advergaming.

When the internet was new, advertisers and marketers applied old marketing tactics to the new internet medium. If they wanted to advertise a certain product or service they would have a standard picture with text advertisement. They even called these, ‘banner ads’, like the billboards and banners they were modeled after.

The problem was, banner ads fell woefully short of the potential of the internet. The beauty of the internet is that it doesn’t have to be static. It can be interactive. A natural defense of humans is to notice quick motions as compared to static images or subtle changes. Marketers discovered they could capitalize on this natural instinct if they made a moving advertisement. They noticed the advertisements that had motion were much more effective at catching people’s attention.
This idea has gradually been developed until entire games have been produced with the sole purpose of advertising a product and boosting brand or product awareness.


  1. The worst banners however are those that pop up and cover the page you want to look at. You then have to explicitly click the close button to get on with what you were doing on the website to begin with. (But I guess that is what makes them effective.)
