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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Turning Over a New Leaf...

New Goal: Blog Every Day!

Ever get behind in school? Well I do sometimes too. This blog post is me making a public commitment to do better. I would also like to outline a few things that I would call my 'keys to success'. It might sound weird to have a blog start by committing not to get any more behind in school, then continue with keys to success. You're probably thinking, 'If this guy is trying to dig himself out of a hole, why is he offering advice on how to succeed?"

Let me explain. First, this list is mostly for me to organize my thoughts in one place. Second, this is a list of how to be successful. When I follow them, I am successful. It's when I stop following them is when I get behind. So here we go, Rhett's Top Five List of how to be successful.
  1. Go to bed early. This has been the single most important success factor for me at school. If I am drowsy in class my retention goes to almost zero. This doesn't mean sleep 8 hours it means go to bed before midnight. For some reason the amount of sleep you get before midnight is much higher quality. So if you want have a great day, start the night before. 
  2. Wake up early. It is a weird thing but sometimes I can get more done in the six hours from 6:00 am - 12:00 am than I can during the rest of the day.
  3. Use a planner. Franklin, freshman planner, palm pilot, google calendar, ical, iphone, whatever it is, use it! If I don't write something down it doesn't get done. I usually forget or schedule conflicting events. The best time to do this is the first week of the semester when you first get your syllabi for all your classes. Write down every assignment and major event.
  4.  Prioritize and make goals. Now that you have all of your tasks for the day in your planner. Take ten minutes at the beginning of each day and write a number next to all the events assigning them relative importance. One through however many things you have to do for the day.
  5. Read the Scriptures. There is power in reading the scriptures and showing God that you need his help and want to follow the will he has for you. When I read the scriptures, I find that my time is magnified and I am able to get all or at least most of what I wanted to get done for the day completed. 

I am going to use the skills to meet my new goal; blog at least one blog everyday for the rest of the semester.


  1. Just so you know, your teacher would prefer that you keep your resolution to read God's word ahead of doing any work for class. Everything tends to work out that way...

  2. I would like to add my personal plug for the effectiveness of these tips. i have class at 8 am every morning and going to bed before 12 makes such a huge difference. also i would not survive without my planner. also, i use my planner to prioritize. and i agree that reading the scriptures make the rest of my studying a lot more effective. good luck with your new leaf.

  3. Yeah, I agree with the post and these comments. I have a hard time sleeping (on account that I work those hours), so I get most if not all of my sleep during the afternoon. The sleep just isn't the same than the traditional block set for it.
