webform test

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog recommendations

This week's topic is about recommended blogs.

First recommended blog is Eric Collyer's. First, he uses Wordpress, which I think has a nice format (I am tempted to switch from blogger for the backgrounds alone) and second he is an interesting person that has unique insights. The blog I recommend of his is a book review about a book he read concerning Einstein and Picasso. Eric does a great job of outlining enough of the book that I get a solid feel for what it is about, yet leaves enough to the imagination that it piqued my interest to learn more.

I think Ariel does a great job of sharing how to be involved in web 2.0. She probably didn't have that as her intent when she wrote this blog but I think this blog perfectly illustrates the 'wisdom of the crowds' and web 2.0. She is in her linguistics class, finds a resource that is useful for getting ideas for papers and she shares it with her classmates. Boom, instant value created. She didn't have to read a manual about how to be involved in web 2.0 or anything else. She just added value to her friend's lives and that is really what is at the heart of successful bloggers and web 2.0

1 comment:

  1. Rhett, just so you know, I've heard it's ridiculously easy to switch from blogger to wordpress! I am thinking about it, too :) I guess you can just transport your entire blog!
