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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skype to the rescue!

For our digital civilization class we had the assignment to explore new digital tools, then share what we learned with other members of our group. Brian shared with us what he learned about Skype.

Brian already had a skype account and decided to set his mom up with an account as well. Brian didn’t describe his mom as particularly computer savvy but he said that she was able to pick up quickly the concept of Skype and was able to intuitively use its interface. 

The interesting thing about Skype is that it at its core, it is just another tool to maintain human relationships. Which means, behind every Screen name is a relationship. For example, Brian’s mom had a strong interest in Skype because through Skype, she would be able to more easily communicate to Brian’s mother-in-law who lives in England. When Brian’s mother and mother-in-law met each other at Brian’s wedding they instantly hit it off, “as if they knew each other before they came to earth” is what Brian said. Not only is communication easier and cheaper, it is is a richer experience because you can see the other person, read their body language and facial expressions and see the setting they are in.

Another relationship. This time, my parents. Mark and Cheryl Ferrin served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Philippines. Making calls to keep in touch would add up quickly. Fortunately, Skype saved the day. We were able to easily (and cheaply because it’s free computer to computer) stay connected and updated on each other’s lives.  

The most important relationship Skype has helped me strengthen is with my wife.  
My wife and I first met while going to school at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Laie, Hawaii. We lived on the same street, worked together and had a class together. We were friends but never dated seriously. It wasn’t until I came to BYU’s campus in Provo, Utah that we needed a way to stay in touch. Skype to the rescue!!! We would ‘Skype’ often and I eventually convinced her to come to BYU Provo. We spent that semester together and began dating. The rest as they say is history, a year later on May 1, 2010 we were married and have loved every day since.

So that was just a few examples of how Skype or technology helps human relationships. Gone are the days where immigrants to other countries leave their families on the docks, with a very high probability that they would never see each other again.

How has Skype changed your life?

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